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August 23, 2005
my first blog entry
A couple of months ago, I went up into my parents' attic to look for my Chronicles of Narnia box set. It turns out it wasn't there -- I had forgotten that I loaned it to my nephew. But I found lots of good stuff in the attic.
One of my excellent discoveries was a booklet that I probably made in pre-school or kindergarten called "All About Me". Page 1 was a mimeographed fill-in form that says (in my teacher's handwriting):
All About MeI am me
I live at Country Club Acres
My phone number is 646-9118
I feel happy when I don't have to work.
I am afraid of lions
I get mad when my sister won't let me into her room.
Falling down and hurting my knee makes me sad.
I like chocolate cake
Sometimes I try to work
My favorite things to do are playing and inviting someone over to my house
There it is, Jack's first blog entry. Now: make your own version!
Here are scans of the booklet:
Posted by ljh at 9:13 AM
August 17, 2005
10mph: segway across america
This looks like a really promising documentary: 10mph (trailer)
Two guys quit stodgy corporate jobs, scrounged up all the savings they could, collected credit cards, and stepped - or better yet - scooted forward to follow their biggest dream: to become filmmakers. Josh Caldwell rode a Segway from Seattle to Boston, while his buddy Hunter Weeks directed a film they both shot about the experience and about the moments leading up to this crazy twist on the American road trip. From cubicle farms to the open road, the film will chronicle how these guys ultimately changed their lives forever. They did what so many of us have always wanted to do - gave it all up for the passion inside.
Posted by ljh at 3:42 PM
Junior news coverage and updates email list
You can now read the articles about our film production that appeared in local newspapers while we were in Brownwood:
Brownwood Bulletin, July 25, 2005
Abilene Reporter News, July 28, 2005
You can also sign up to receive email updates about the film by sending a blank email message to updates-subscribe@juniorfilm.com.
Next Up: Production Day 1
Posted by ljh at 9:10 AM
August 16, 2005
long time no blog
"Where did Jack go? I miss his blog so much!"
Okay, it's unlikely that either of you two readers (you know who you are) said that to yourself. But that's okay, I don't hold it against you. I mean, after all, with a reader base this small I can't afford to alienate anybody.
Anyway, the short answer is that I spent much of my free time from work this summer producing Allison's short film, "Junior." Lots of pre-production phone calls and planning, leading up to a 5-day shoot that ran from July 26th to August 1st in Brownwood, TX (my home town). We had a great time, worked with a fantastic crew, and got some great looking footage. She is starting to edit it now, and I can't wait to see the first rough cut. I'll keep you posted. I think I'll do individual blog postings about each of the 5 days of shooting, if you really want to read about more details.
Last weekend, we indulged in the happy yuppy pastime that is going to Ikea. Due to the limited space in our crowded apartment, we had a "replacements only" rule for our purchases, and we pretty much stuck to it. We did well, got a great new rug for the living room, among other things. And... Ikea breakfast and lunch. Ah, Ikea.
It's nice to be back. Hopefully I can get back into the blogging groove now. More soon...
Posted by ljh at 8:44 AM