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December 29, 2005

merry christmas, y'all

We're enjoying our holidays in Texas. Flew to Austin on the 23rd, spent Christmas Eve with Allison's mom, then drove up to Brownwood for a family Christmas celebration on the 25th. We had a nice time. Everyone left but us on the 26th, and we stayed a couple of extra days and drove back yesterday. That was very relaxing.

Posted by ljh at 10:31 AM

December 20, 2005

MTA woes

Transit workers here in NYC are on strike. I walked to work this morning (here's my route). That was nice for a while -- it was cool to see the ducks strolling across the frozen pond in Central Park -- but eventually the 28 degree weather got the better of me. The last 10 blocks (ending in the always unpleasant Times Square) were not so nice. But I got to work, completely Jack-powered.

Really need to get my Xootr fixed.

Posted by ljh at 11:53 AM

December 8, 2005

oh, bother

Disney continues with their relentless ruining of Winnie The Pooh. Now they're replacing Christopher Robin with a "6-year-old tomboy girl."

USATODAY.com - Disney lets girl into Winnie's world

While we're at it, let's make Tigger a hip-hop artist ("yo! yo! the most wunnerful thang about tiggers, y'all, is tiggers is wunnerful thangs, word!") and Pooh a pre-op transexual.

Maybe I'm overreacting.

Posted by ljh at 12:28 AM

December 3, 2005


I'm very interested to see Stephen Gaghan's new star-packed issue film Syriana. Peak oil as entertainment, wow. Gaghan wrote Traffic, which I thought was a great film.

Favorite part of the trailer: the always-great Tim Blake Nelson, seemingly playing some kind of slimy Washington insider, delivering this line as only TBN can:

Corruption??? Corruption is our protection. Corruption keeps us safe and warm. Corruption - is why we win.

That, my friends, is poetry.

Posted by ljh at 12:18 PM

neat mashup of yahoo REST APIs

This is a very compelling demo combining maps and event search using Yahoo's APIs:

Posted by ljh at 12:14 PM