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January 8, 2006

Road Trip Report, Day 5

8 hours, ~375 miles

We slept late this morning and got on the road from West Virginia around noon. We drove through the panhandle of Maryland, and stopped for a late lunch at Park-N-Dine in Hancock. The turkey dinners, recommended by our Road Food book, were a little disappointing, but the apple pie was out of this world.

From there, we drove up on into Pennsylvania. Interstates all the way today. From PA into New Jersey, from NJ to the Holland Tunnel, and we got into Manhattan around 7:30 tonight. Back in the apartment, mostly unpacked, and happy to be home. After some initial complaints, PK the cat was happy to see us, too.

Hope you've enjoyed the trip reports. I'll post a trip wrap-up with photos tomorrow.

Posted by ljh at January 8, 2006 12:02 AM