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January 29, 2006

Time Traveler's Wife: Timelines

Back in November I read and enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger, for a book club I'm in.

Preparing for the book club meeting, I decided to prepare timelines to help me understand the book's structure, which is interesting to say the least. The main character is in love with a man who has episodes in which he travels in time. In an interview, Niffenegger said she had timelines for each character while she was writing the book, and I decided to prepare the same to understand it.

Don't look at these timelines unless you've read the book -- spoilers abound!

Each timeline is in PDF format:
Chronological Timeline: download | view online
Clare's Timeline: download | view online
Henry's Timeline: download | view online

Please let me know if you enjoy these materials, and please suggest any revisions or suggestions by commenting on this blog post or emailing <ttwife at fivewells.com>.

EDIT 2010/09/08: Added links to view timelines online in Google Docs.

Posted by ljh at January 29, 2006 7:29 PM