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January 18, 2008

In Memory: Porch Kitty (2002-2008)

We lost our beloved cat PK suddenly and without warning on Tuesday, January 15, 2008, after 4.5 years of happy companionship. In 2003, he was diagnosed with a heartworm, and we had been told that when the worm died (after 2 to 4 years), it could cause an acute pulmonary thromboembolism that could quickly take his life. It appears that this terrible event happened, and happened very quickly, while we were away from home. We are deeply saddened by the loss of this wonderful, cute, cuddly, intelligent, and quirky cat. We will never forget him, nor will anyone who ever got to spend any time with him. He was one of a kind, he was our joy and our consolation. PK, you are missed.

PK photo
Nap, Interrupted Video

Posted by ljh at 5:59 PM

January 10, 2008

The GOP Primary Field in Buffy Villains

Brilliant!!! More evidence that Buffy is the template for life.

read more | digg story

Posted by ljh at 7:36 PM