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March 15, 2009

Road Trip Days 2 and 3

Days 2 and 3 of the road trip went well and we arrived in Austin on schedule. Amazingly, Moovers got our stuff to us at 8am the next morning (less than 96 hours after they packed and loaded everything).


LA-to-AUS Road Trip Day 2: Tuscon to Marfa, 3 Time Zones
LA-to-AUS Road Trip Day 3: All Texas!

Our route:

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Posted by ljh at 7:44 AM

March 12, 2009

The big move begins!

Our road trip to relocate back to Austin from LA got off to a great start with a drive to Tuscon and a stay at the amazing Hacienda del Sol outside town. We're having a really good time and Buster is coping okay with the drive (and loving the hotel as you can see in the pictures).

LA-to-AUS Road Trip Day 1: On The Road
LA-to-AUS Road Trip Day 2: Morning @ Hacienda del Sol

Posted by ljh at 9:06 AM

March 2, 2009

Texas House Bill 975 could require teachers to take mandatory drug tests

I got fired up when I read about HB 975 today, and wrote this letter to my State Rep and Senator. Feel free to reuse if you agree.

Please do not erode teachers' rights and dignity by voting in favor of HB 975.

Baseless drug testing of teachers sends the wrong message to our children and is a waste of resources.

The idea that "the innocent have nothing to fear" goes against the basis of our justice system and ignores the Bill of Rights. It's a mistake to send that message to the children of Texas.

This legislation would do nothing to make students safer. We should be teaching them respect for the Constitution, not tearing it apart before their eyes.

Jack Humphrey

Posted by ljh at 11:48 AM