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March 29, 2006

recommended comic: the walking dead

Just saw that Amazon has a great deal on the first four volumes (issues 1-24) of The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, one of the best writers working in comics today. Even if you don't think zombies are your bag, you owe it to yourself to check out these books. A world overrun by zombies is just the backdrop for some fascinating, intense human drama as a group of survivors comes together and tries to, well, keep surviving.

Posted by ljh at 12:12 AM

March 5, 2006

with great power, comes...

Wow, check it out. This may be the dorkiest reality TV show concept ever. I love it!

SCI FI Channel, teamed with Bruce Nash's company, Nash Entertainment (Meet My Folks, For Love or Money, Who Wants to Marry My Dad?), and legendary comic-book creator Stan Lee (Spider-man, Hulk , The Fantastic Four, X-Men), will produce a six-episode, one-hour weekly competition reality series that will challenge a lucky few to create their very own superhero and reward the winner with the best reality competition prize yet: immortality! All you'll need is an original idea, a killer costume and some real superhero mojo. The winner of this six-week competition will walk away with their superhero immortalized in a new comic book created by Stan Lee himself!

In nationwide open casting calls, potential heroes will arrive in costume to prove their mettle, revealing the true nature of their superhuman abilities and invoking the noble credos by which they live. From these thousands of hopefuls, Stan Lee will choose 11 lucky finalists to move into a secret lair and compete for the opportunity to become a real-life superhero!

Finalists will leave their former lives behind and live as their brainchild heroes 24/7, all under Stan Lee's watchful eye. Each week, our aspiring heroes will be challenged with competitions designed to test their true superhero abilities. It's not all just leaping tall buildings in a single bound; a true superhero will be tested for courage, integrity, self-sacrifice, compassion and resourcefulness. In the end, only one aspiring superhero will have the strength and nobility to open the gates to comic-book immortality.

Learn more at: http://www.scifi.com/superhero/.

Posted by ljh at 11:08 AM

March 2, 2006

NY Comic Con

I went to the NY Comic Con last weekend, Friday through Sunday. I had a good time, even though it was packed and a little bit insane. According to Publishers Weekly:

Some 20,000 people showed up on Saturday for a venue that could hold only 10,000 to 15,000 people. And while the official numbers are not yet available, the show organizers estimate that the event may have drawn nearly 30,000 people over the three days.

My photos are here.

I bought a few things, and got autographs from writer Brian K. Vaughan (probably my current favorite comics writer), writer Brian Wood, artist Jae Lee, artist/writer Michael Avon Oeming, artist Rags Morales, and several more less known indie creators. Alas, I wasn't able to get to Bendis for an autograph. Oeming seems like a really nice, humble guy in addition to being a great artist. I bought one of his sketchbooks.

As I work my way through the books I bought, I'll try to post again if anything stands out.

Posted by ljh at 10:34 AM