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July 27, 2006

Nap, Interrupted

Alright, perhaps this is a new low for me, posting a home video of my cat. But I'll claim some geek privilege, since it's one of the first videos I shot with my new toy (the amazing Nokia E70 phone).

Posted by ljh at 11:57 PM

July 5, 2006

more junior news, including showtimes

The Rural Route Film Festival just posted the schedule for this month's festival. Junior will be on at 9:30pm on Friday, July 28th, in a shorts program entitled "Hey Dad, The Ice Is Melting!" Their description of this program:

This collection of short films explores relationships between people & the environment, people & animals, and fathers & sons. Black bears play in the local Canadian dump, Native Alaskans fight to preserve their way of life, a Texas dad hits on high school chicks to impress his son… Pine trees grow wild, but they also dominate motel signs.


Posted by ljh at 12:26 AM

'quick add' greasemonkey script for gootodo

I'm a big fan of gootodo.com, but I wanted an easier way to add quick todo items, so I hacked together a greasemonkey script for Firefox that adds a "Quick Add" text box below the todo list. Here's a screen shot, and here's the script. (If you have Greasemonkey installed, just right-click the link and select "Install User Script." You'll probably need to add my site as a trusted source.)


Posted by ljh at 12:17 AM